I am a woman of power


I learned from Jan Mark another Shaman, to put my lower arm or elbow in trigger points on your body. This hurts but after you feel like the energy is flowing again, the area is warm. It releases emotions that are stored in your muscles and feel like hard knots in your back and other places in your body. By putting pressure on these blokkages, the energy releases. You can start crying and release emotions and tension. I feel entoutively where to press.
When you receive a healing, you lay down and surrender, you come into a relaxt state. I pray and ask for your and mine spirit guides to help us. Then I take negative energy out of your stomach, after that i pass through the rest of your body. I give you messages, can be about past lives or what to do in this life to make changes, what blokkages you have and what to do to heal them. I take away blokkages that keep you from living in flow. You can feel heat, you can feel like more hands are touching you, like you are lifted, you canfeel tingling, pain being taken away, you can feel emotions and start crying.
I sing, I drum, I say prayers, I make noises, I spit in a glass, I use singing bowls, I use a rattle.
Woman of power tipi dag
let your body flow, create energy softness and power
Op aanvraag kun je met een groep vrouwen een
tipi dag doen. minimaal zes deelnemers

opening met gebed in een kring. verbinden met de clan van sisters met baarmoeder en hart. zingen circle of women lied van Nalini Blossom.
intentie opschrijven en uitspreken: wat heeft jouw lichaam nodig, hoe wil je dat je lichaam eind van de dag voelt
sjamanistische reis onder begeleiding van drum, boodschappen van je gids, krachtdier ontmoeten
sharing van je ervaring en indien gewenst feedback van je sisters
pot luck zelf meegenomen eten delen met elkaar
ontladen van spanningen en emoties door lichaamswerk:
mogelijkheden: healing tao, active meditations, dansen, klankschaal, drum, ratel, healing
circle of women song by Nalini Blossom
sharing en afsluiting
naar huis
kosten: 65, euro vooraf overmaken, geen restitutie
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